Congrats to Contest Winner Anna Carvalho!

Congratulations to member Anna Carvalho from Vancouver General Hospital, who the “Best in Tox” at SPH Update Workshop Contest. Ava won a $100 Amazon gift card for providing feedback on topics and format for the workshop.
Member input will help set the agenda for a full-day toxicological emergencies workshop at St. Paul’s Emergency Medicine Update on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020. (Workshop registration coming soon)
Best in Tox @ SPH Update Workshop – Member Feedback Responses
Members’ Topics of interest

Other content or format suggestions
- Peds vs Adult
- ECG changes with common toxins
- Lots of cases
- Shorter sessions are better. Break up topics into multiple small sessions? (ie, instead of “antidotes” for an hour, 10-15-minute sessions on specific antidotes
- Simulation component
- Webinars
- High dose THC concentrates. Give everyone mushrooms prior to the workshop.
- dialysis indications
- Full day, environmental toxicities
- Whatever evidence available for specific overdose treatments would be great
- Toxic mushrooms
- Mini workshops 20-30mins long on various topic updates.
- DMT ?
- Always confused by the CO levels smoker, non smoker who to dive where and how you get them there. Risk stratification of flying out versus no diving
- treatment of agitated delirium / crystal meth intoxication – anything new other than benzo+antipsychotic? pitfalls of high-dose IM ketamine?
- I really appreciate when there are lots of anecdotes. Toxicology cases are generally quite interesting and I love hearing the stories. It helps me remember the minutia.
- Management of non-point ingestions of acetaminophen
- Marijuana, especially accidental Pediatrics ingestion
- N/A
- one pill can kill for peds, management of “SUSPECTED” ingestion in children (e..g found with pill bottle, unknown if any missing)
- Oral hypoglycemics, BB + CCB and the differences in managing the 2
- Where are the best sites for quick reliable info?
- starting OAT – buprenorphine-naloxone needs to become standard toxicology training and embedded in expected ED skills, importance of dealing with any overdose and also helping to prevent further OD and connecting people to care
- AHLS Preconference Workshop or half day