EM Network at St Paul’s Emergency Medicine Update


Jim Christenson helped kick off the St. Paul’s Emergency conference by presenting an update on the Network to all attendees on day one. The Network also held a booth and gained feedback from new and existing members. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and gave us suggestions for new resources and content. During the conference, registrations spiked and we are excited to welcome many new members from Chilliwack, Peace Arch, Arrows Lakes, Burnaby, Shuswap, Fort St. John, Bella Coola, Sechelt, Mills Memorial, Squamish, Ridge Meadows, Pemberton, and Penticton. Membership has reached 653 and continues to grow.

Missed the conference? The EM Network will be posting a select number of recorded sessions from the conference – coming soon to our Webinars & Rounds page.

Hats off to the St Paul’s Emergency Update Conference planning committee who once again threw an amazing conference!



Q&A with the Patient Transfer Network (PTN) – sold out!
The EM Network hosted a discussion with the Patient Transfer Network on Friday, September 28th. We were lucky to have panelists join from the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (Trina Larsen Soles) and Emergency Health Services/PTN (John Tallon, Don Elzinga, Philip Yoon). 55 attendees joined in an interactive discussion on current challenges they are facing with patient transfers and identification of the top priorities. The EM Network facilitated this event and will be disseminating a report from the meeting. There was an appetite to have further group discussions on patient transfer, so watch for updates on how you can have your say and get involved!