Patient Info Sheet Review Workshop

There are 187 publicly accessible patient information sheets on the EM Network website, in multiple languages. Historically, these handouts were not created with patient input – the EM Network is endeavouring to change that!
A third Patient Partner Workshop was held on October 29th in Prince George to review information sheets given to patients when they are discharged from emergency on how to care for themselves at home. The workshop was held in collaboration with the Northern Regional Centre and the Patient Voices Network.
Throughout the day, 9 Patient Partners from across the North (Prince George, Smithers, Vanderhoof and Valemount) came together and reviewed over 16 different topics ranging from Rabies to HPV. Handouts were reviewed in small groups based on content, clarity, appropriateness and format.
We plan to host more Patient Information Sheet Workshops including more in rural and Indigenous communities, in keeping with our overarching goal of making medical information more accessible to patients across BC.
Going forward, we also intend to expand the number of Information Sheets to include new topics and more languages.
“It feels comforting to know that the “medical system” is trying to make it easier for everyone to understand.”
Patient Partner Participant