View Member Ideas On Improving the Network

Members recently sent in their thoughts on improving the EM Network in a feedback contest (congrats to winner Ava Butler!). They answered questions on the using the member discussion forum, forum accessibility, and a possible EM Network app.
Many members are unaware there is a private, members-only discussion. Visit the forums to view member chats.
The majority of respondents wanted easier access to forum discussions. They also wanted to keep member discussions private. We are working on a strategy to increase access to discussions while maintaining member privacy.
There was also interest in an EM Network app for ease of use on mobile phones. This is something the admin team is looking into!
What else did members have to say?
- The quicker the access to the clinical procedure videos the better :). Great for that quick refresher on a procedure when on shift that doesn’t occur often.
- Link it with HealthMatch BC to have EM job postings visible across the province!
- Easier more visible access would be recommended
- Great platform. Great work
- Hook it in with pathways so we only need to sign in to one and have all the resources of both ie Pt handouts, videos etc
- Might be useful to increase engagement outside the core few. Maybe engaging one champion at each ED not already associated who could get to know the site, communicate to own group what’s useful in their context, and contribute and come up with ideas for content useful to their own site.
- more video content on procedures, drug references guidelines in a app would be good to for clinical Em conditions
- overall excellent,
- Like the emails, would be nice to have pdf attachments of some of the key clinical references/guides
- Good potential. I don’t really want to see clinical summaries, guidelines, etc. There are so many other good resources for that. The strength of the EM network I think is connecting ER docs working in the same (Canadian, BC) system to strengthen transport and referral cooperation, and to build a family that feels supportive and collaborative. To know the people you are asking to help you, or who are asking for help. To understand what resources are there in the rural area when a doc wants to send you someone.
- I do read the email notifications but then never make it to the website, might be more likely to access if it was an app with notifications
- Keep up the great work and stay innovative!!
- App would be fantastic!!
- great resource when i need to review things
- I would relly like to have access to a product that is difficult to find, which are video scenario simulations, much like in the ACLS course.
Do you agree? Let us know! Send your thoughts to