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Authors: Lavery, Matthew D. BSc; Williamson, Rylen A. BSc; Curran, Jason BSc, BJourn, MPH; Wilkey, July RN; McCarroll, Kirk MD, CCFP-FPA, FCFP

A recent study published in the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine highlights disparities in access to CT imaging for mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) in rural emergency departments (EDs) without in-house CT scanners. Conducted in a rural BC hospital, the research found that only 35.1% of patients who met the Canadian CT Head Rule (CCHR) criteria for imaging were transferred for scans. This contrasts with higher imaging rates in urban centres, raising concerns about potential gaps in healthcare access. The study emphasizes the need for improved adherence to CCHR guidelines and better support for rural hospitals to ensure timely and appropriate imaging for head trauma patients. Addressing these disparities could enhance patient outcomes and reduce inequities in emergency care across BC.



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