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About the Session


This immersive and educational session will introduce the significant challenges facing mid-sized emergency departments (EDs) across BC, and will ask participants to collaboratively generate potential solutions using improvement methodology. Participants will explore some of the main drivers of emergency department capacity issues, and seek to answer the question: What are three key actions to stabilize your mid-size ED?

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify the significant challenges facing mid-sized EDs in BC
Learn how to use HQBC QI tools to solve complex and multi-partner problems facing our health system


When & Where


March 12, 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

Vancouver Convention Centre




Elizabeth Stacy – Provincial Lead, Clinical Initiatives and Innovation | Emergency Care BC

Michelle Kennedy – Leader, Health System Improvement | Health Quality BC

Dr. Todd Ring – Medical Director | Emergency Care BC



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