Mushroom Poisoning Alert


BC Centre for Disease Control (October 11, 2017):

Consider wild mushroom ingestion in differential diagnosis of gastroenteritis. Failure to consider wild mushroom ingestion may lead to missed diagnosis with potentially severe patient consequences.

The Amanita phalloides (deathcap) mushroom has been found in urban locations in Victoria and Vancouver. It has also been reported on the Gulf Islands, and in agricultural and suburban areas of the lower mainland. It is becoming more common thus increasing the risk of

A. phalloides causes life‐threatening liver toxicity, with onset of gastrointestinal symptoms that is often delayed 6 hours or longer. Symptoms may temporarily improve but liver damage may be ongoing, leading to return of gastrointestinal symptoms and eventually hepatorenal failure. During the acute gastrointestinal phase, if association with mushroom ingestion is not made, the patient may be erroneously diagnosed with gastroenteritis and discharged.

More information:

Contact the Poison Control Centre (1‐800‐567‐8911) if you suspect mushroom poisoning.