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Hypoxia. Intubation. Cricothyroidotomy. Failed intubation. Difficult airway. Awake intubation.

67 year old with angioedema, other than airway/tongue swelling is stable and cooperative. Difficult airway is anticipated and option for awake intubation is considered.

Goals and Objectives

Educational Goal:

  • Approach to a difficult airway and expose learners to options for managing such an airway.

Objectives (Medical and CRM):

  • Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of an awake intubation and how to perform an awake intubation.
  • Use closed-loop communication and frequent summaries in order to maintain effective communication and a shared mental model.

EPAs Assessed:

  • F1 Initiating and assisting in resuscitation of critically ill patients.
  • C3 Provide airway management and ventilation.
  • TD 3: Facilitating communication of information between a patient in the emergency department, caregivers, and members of the health care team to organize care and disposition of the patient.


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